The collective farm in the village is probably strong

I am a retired teacher, but I continue to work as the chairman of the women's council. Naturally, people come to me on a variety of issues. But now there is a situation that I doubt is correct, and people need to respond.

The board of our collective farm decided to allocate a monetary reward in the amount of 10 rubles per month to excellent students of the local school. Last academic year, in September, they missed this case and decided to give money to each excellent student at the New Year's Eve party for all previous months at once — 40 rubles. This came as an amazing surprise to all the parents and teachers present. How come? After all, teachers have often had to say at parent-teacher conferences and in private conversations with parents that they should not give children expensive gifts or money for good studies.

I talked to the management of the collective farm about this issue. She proved that none of the great teachers had ever recommended such a method of encouraging students to study well. That you can't even do this in your family. They listened to me, but it seemed to me that they remained of their opinion.

The collective farm in the village of Sergievskoye must be strong, otherwise it would not be so generous. But here's a question that should be carefully considered: what's behind this, frankly, unusual generosity? Pedagogical illiteracy? Of course. There can be no two opinions! It is not for nothing that, as A. 3. Moyaenkova writes, the monetary award to excellent students turned out to be an "amazing surprise" for all those present. Not all parents have read the works of great teachers, but common sense, life experience and their own pedagogical flair did not let them down, otherwise people would not have gone with questions to an authoritative person, apparently for them — the chairman of the women's council and an experienced teacher.

It is clear that the collective farm board is not an ace in pedagogy. He has other tasks. Why did they suddenly decide to surprise their fellow villagers with an ill-conceived, incompetent, strange decision in such a complex field as pedagogy? His reputation was not spared... After all, there was someone to consult with: professional teachers live and work in the village.

That's where we seem to come to the main point. The case in the village of Sergievskoye, although local, is quite typical for our life in general: we do not appreciate professionalism, very often, at all levels of the social ladder, we do not take into account Grandfather Krylov's wise warning: trouble if the boots start to be shaken by a pie...

The collective farm, presumably, sincerely wanted to help the school with its actions. But wanting is not enough, you also need skill. To act without consulting those who know how, without their voice and help, means to break the wood, which, unfortunately, we have accumulated a lot of experience and were convinced once again by the example of the village of Sergievskoye. We must finally abandon this cap-making: I know everything, I can do everything. Let's ask, find out, consult, and learn competence. Everyone is in their place.

I have a daughter who is in the sixth grade of an English special school. She studies well, and receives commendatory certificates at the end of each academic year. He also voluntarily learns German, goes to an old woman who has taught him all her life. He visits the swimming pool on Sundays. In addition, she is in the fifth grade of the children's music school, classes are held four times a week. And going to music school is not everything. We should also play systematically at home, write sheet music, and participate in concerts.

Up until last year, everything was going smoothly. But last year, due to the transfer of the physical education lesson to the number of profilers, the physical education teacher began to zealously demand dexterity, etc. My daughter is small and jumped over the "goat" through tears, but she jumped. But, apparently, she still jumped badly, because in the quarters she was threatened by a "troika" in physical education. I was literally on my knees begging the teacher to have mercy. And now the fifth grade is finished with a "5".